A little help from a fan

Alan was sitting at home on his computer ready to write some new captions for his blog but he was drawing a blank and couldn't think of what to write and a picture to go with it. As he was about to call it quits he got an email from an anonymous source, opening it there was a brief message simply saying "Big fan, I hope this helps" with a link next to it.

Alan was very curious about the link so clicked on it then the next thing he knew his PC screen shined a blinding white light and when the light subsided he felt very different immediately noticing the heavyweight on his chest. 

Alan was amazed he didn't know how this was possible but he had been turned into a sexy blonde woman and the excitement got to him and he was soon feeling up his new tits, stripping naked and finding the nearest object to help himself play with his new pussy bring himself to orgasm.

After basking in the pleasure of his first female orgasm ideas started flooding into Alan's head and started writing a bunch of new captions, with his new body he would have plenty of pictures he could upload for his captions himself.


  1. Replies
    1. thanks, this as made for you anyway

    2. I sort of guessed that I am glad you are enjoying writing.


    3. as if you need any images check out my image library https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=7437081621538804950#allposts/src=sidebar


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