Mysterious Goth Girl

 George, a 28-year-old man, walked home after a long day at work. The sun had already set, and the streets were dimly lit by the faint glow of streetlights. As George rounded a corner, lost in his thoughts, he accidentally bumped into a mysterious goth girl.

Dressed in black from head to toe, her piercing eyes seemed to see right through George. Before he could even utter an apology, she whispered an ancient incantation under her breath. A sudden gust of wind blew her dark hair, and George felt his body shrinking and contorting. In an instant, he found himself on the ground, transformed into a small, frightened female rat.

Panicked and disoriented, George scurried into the nearest sewer, desperate to escape the twisted Goth girl that did this to him. The dark, damp labyrinth of the sewer became his new home. With each passing day, his memories of being human began to fade, and George's mind adapted to the instincts and behaviors of a rat.

As a female rat, George was compelled to mate, eventually giving birth to a litter of baby rats. The once-human man nothing more than a breeding machine for all the male rats in the sewer. George had no choice but to embrace his fate, learning to navigate the dangers of the sewer, from ravenous predators to treacherous conditions.

One day, as George foraged for food he chanced upon the same goth girl who had cursed him, their eyes met for an instant and George felt a flicker of hope deep within him wondering if she'll recognize him and change him back. But as quickly as the moment came, it disappeared. The goth girl carried on walking not even giving George a second glance, leaving George defeated knowing that he'll never return to normal again.

George's life continued in the darkness of the sewer, the man he had once been was now a distant memory, replaced by the instinct-driven existence of a female rat. Yet, in the darkest corners of his mind, George's human soul remained, a haunting reminder of the life that had been stolen from him.


  1. Loving your latest stories, added you to my blog list :D

  2. Great cap, if your open to requests I’d love to see one where a man’s wife hires a body hopper to get her fit. (Take over her body and workout for her bc she’s too lazy) And the husband is skeptical and doesn’t trust the hopper so he goes to the gym and sees his wife acting in exhibitionist/sultry ways.


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